CFSD Recruits Students to Political Activism
Recruiting Students
We are wrapping up our last LGBTQ club meeting in a few weeks and I would love to encourage our teens to be engaged and be active in the state of Arizona legislative process. They may like to be more knowledgeable about the many discriminatory legislative bills regarding LGBTQ issues. Does GLSEN recommend an organization or website where teens can advocate or just be engaged in what is going on in our state?
CFSD guidance counselor
CFSD staff are actively recruiting students to advocate for partisan political causes as directed by district employees and outside activist groups.
Real Stories From CFSD Schools
The Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network (GLSEN) exists to spread political activism in K-12 schools nationwide. CFSD staff work with GLSEN representatives for staff and student training programs, policy guidance, political activism, guest speakers, and field trips. Notice the pink button. Much like the Trevor Project, the GLSEN website also has an escape button in case leering parents are watching. Both GLSEN and Trevor Project links are available resources posted on the CFHS counseling page website. This is a real email from a CFSD staff member planning controversial advocacy indoctrination of CFSD students.
Here’s a real email from a CFHS counselor requesting help from GLSEN to influence her students on a particular political ideology. This was sent during school hours in her official capacity as a CFSD school counselor.
Partisan political activism is celebrated when it aligns with the ideology taught in CFSD schools. CFSD proudly boasts this a successful case of their own political indoctrination with praise from current Board Member Gina Mehmert.