CFSD Tracks Student Beliefs

CFSD Tracks Student Beliefs

Happy weekend! What a fantastic first week. Here’s what I saw in classrooms this week: Teachers and staff verifying they were using students’ preferred names and pronouns – and pronounciations! [sic]”


Orange Grove Middle School Principal Mark Rubin-Toles

This is one of several survey questions asked of CFSD students without parental consent in a student activist club at CFHS. “I understand my identity as…?”


~ CFSD guidance counselors

Federal and state laws as well as CFSD’s own school policies prohibit schools from asking students their personally held beliefs including beliefs about Gender and Sexuality.

See the full survey here:

Real Cases

A counselor at an unidentified CFSD school wrote to a parent and other district employees explaining that teachers survey students on their beliefs on preferred pronouns. Ironically, the email starts with an acknowledgment of parental notification requirement for a name change. This counselor ignores the parental notification requirement for surveying students on their beliefs about gender identity.

Esperero Canyon Identity Flower Project

Esperero Canyon Identity Flower Project. This paper was handed out to 6th graders in a class on “respect” as part of the required curriculum and collected at the end of class as graded work.